SGC vs Roon Nucleus

Is there a different between the Small Green Computer sonicTransporter i5 and a Roon Nucleus Plus other than $$$‽


 He wants me to allow remote control into my computer system, which I won't do, for him to have access to the i5 and see if he can do anything about it. 

Andrew did this for me and fixed my issue in about a minute. I watched/chatted with him while he did it and saw every step of what he did; it's not like you give him your passwords or anything.I terminated his access at the end of the call. Apple Support does the same in certain cases. I considered myself lucky to have this high level of support. Andrew's a high integrity person, IME, and many others have attested to that here and elsewhere on many situations over many years. 

FWIW, the issue was caused by a Roon update, nothing with the SGC. Cheers,


Don't think I saw any comments comparing sound quality between nucleus and the Sgc.

I do like the Sgc unique because of the direct optical connection which nucleus does not have.

To me these seem like comparable products.

I own a nucleus and wondered if there's something better out there it seems this is just comparable. I have Etheregen to allow for an optical connection should I want to do it but I stopped using the regen a while back

So my Nucleus has stopped working and just got this quote from Roon.

"I am sorry to hear, that your unit has issues. We can repair it, but unfortunately, it is out of the warranty window, therefore, there will be a fee.

If we need to replace the motherboard, then the fee will be $800, for all other repairs, the fees are $199. Shipping fees are included in the quote."

So now thinking I should just throw my Nucleus away and go with the SGC. Thoughts from other members?


PS: And I am a ROON dealer 

I am currently using a SGC i9 Optical and am very happy with it. I got it almost two years ago. Andrew has been helpful with fast responses when I had some questions. 

I was previously using a DIY i7 NUC in a fanless case running Roon ROCK. This also worked well, but I wanted to give HQPlayer a try. The NUC with Roon ROCK is essentially the same as a Nucleus Plus (although I think the Nucleus Plus only has an i5). 

The two big advantages of going with the SGC are that it can run more software, and you get SGC's excellent support. With the Nucleus, you are mostly at the mercy of the Roon community forum to solve problems (although some of the members can be quite helpful).