Is there a list of full-range speakers (20-20kHz) somewhere on the internet?

When I internet-search for such a list, all I get is hits for full-range drivers. While a full-range driver that results in a full-range speaker could be excellent (provided everything else was in order), what I'm looking for are full-range speakers. These are likely to be floor-standing towers - but not necessarily towers.

Some examples:
GoldenEar Triton One (and I think Triton Reference and maybe Triton One.R
Tekton Double Impact (and above)

Looking for best value with 20-20kHz (flat-as-possible) response. I suspect there is a resource for this somewhere on the internet - thanks!


There used to be, years ago the Audio Magazine's Annual Equipment / Buyers Guide. Has specs., prices, weights and dimensions of all different types of components and brands. Always looked forward to that edition and I think I still have an issue or two around here somewhere.

According to Stereophile Magazine, the GE Triton Reference is the least expensive full range speaker. They are rated A+ as well.   I have owned my set since 2017 and they are my last speakers.  The speakers are not bright at all, the tweeter is smooth, with absolutely no ear fatigue. 

Let me chime in here ,being 40 years in audio ,and owning a Audio store for almost 10 years.  There is No standard on true specifications , if for instance the speaker gets to 28 hz for a fraction of a second at 90 db  they will specify this .

playing bass to a constant  SPL is the hardest thing to do ,bass starts falling off fast 

you will not get a speaker That can do a honest 20khz to 20 hz  

continuous unless you have $$ deep pockets . Having no Set standards there are many ways to stretch the truth  . You want to see true graphs and waterfall plots 

for a sustained time ,but almost never due , plan on spending at least $30 k on up 

to companies you can trust.

I’ve owned several pairs of Tekton speakers and I know that I can’t compete or surpass them in low end output. I’ve been working on my speaker project for over three years now. It’s called We’ve just started a new ambassador program. We’re looking to build speakers along with their owners on a semi custom level. If you have some time please check us out. I’m retired and that’s all I do now.