"Amir, you kicked me off your "Audio Science" forum for being "too objective", because I insisted only valid listening tests mattered, not "SINAD" and "ETC" many of your cult worship. "
As your language here quite demonstrates, we banned you from ASR due to being the most obnoxious person I know on these forums. Heaven knows how many people you have alienated from audio science with your hostile posting and attitude which conveying next to no knowledge.
The above, and refusal to practice anything you preach to subjectivists was the reason we let you go. When I asked you for blind tests of your speakers, your tap dance would have earned you a seat at Julliard. Here is quick example:
amirm said:
Last I checked you [AJ/soundfield] don't do any blind acoustic tests either.
[AJ/Soundfiled:] For what conflicts with what objective evidence exactly Amir? What am I to blind test for specifically? Red Herrings?
As if that were not enough, you have now turned into speaker salesman looking to protect your pocketbook by appease to this membership. In a thread where people are attacking audio science, blind testing, engineering, etc. you are not only completely silent, but rather have a fight with me. I say your transition to subjectivity is complete. Thank heavens as we don't remotely want someone this miserable in our camp.
I once asked JJ (my chief audio architect and one of audio luminaries) about people like you. He made this wise statement: "an unreasonable advocate is worst of both worlds!"