Audio Research Ref 6 upgrade to 6SE.

Well today I dropped off my Audio Research Ref 6 at my Audio Research dealer. Audio Research told me as of right now the time span when they receive my Ref 6 is a week turnaround to upgrade it to the Ref 6SE. Which is extremely fast. I can’t wait to hook up my new Ref 6SE to my new REF 750s. Has anyone had the upgrade from the 6 to the 6SE ? If so what were your impressions ? 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

The irony is that the first employees of a new company are typically engineers/technical talent but the last employees of a company before it closes are managers.

It is not good that ARC has gone into receivership. However, I am not so sure things are all that dire with Audio Research at the moment. The company has been acquired by Valerio Cora of Acora Acoustics Corporation to Lead New Corporation For Audio Research Brand - The Absolute Sound. Someone who owns a lot of their gear and has a passion to ensure their survival over just selling off the assets. 

A friend of mine spent about an hour talking to the new owner. He comes across as a very strong leader, passionate and knowledgable about high audio, a competent business man, with the very best intentions to strengthen the brand and importantly deep enough pockets to make it happen. It seems likely ARC is in good hands. 

Curious about Valerio Cora:

from review by Absolute Sound

Acora SRC-1 Loudspeaker
The Acora SRC-1 is a new product from a new company but it’s an instant classic: This is a high-end loudspeaker with a stone enclosure that succeeds in all important audiophile metrics. CEO and chief designer Valerio Cora is an ardent music lover who grew up in a family-owned “dimensional stone” business and has been trying his hand at building speaker cabinets out of rock since his teenage years. But only with the refinement of computerized manufacturing techniques in recent years has Cora been able to effectively fabricate an enclosure from African black granite, a homogenous and extremely hard material with advantages over not just other kinds of stone but also (in Cora’s opinion) aluminum, resins, and other “heroic” cabinet materials.



I followed the link

their product lineup is simply 3 different speaker designs, and two different speaker stands.


 For 30 years, Cora has run successful computer hardware and IT service businesses.

Evidently he is President of PC-TEK

(division of Nymax Industries Inc)

Also President of Nymax (whatever they do)

Valerio Cora placeholder image

Valerio Cora

President Pc-Tek Computers div/of Nymax Industries Inc

  • company placeholder image

    President at Nymax Industries Inc


Just a suggestion.  If you don't want to send a unit to Audio Research for repair/upgrades, then find an authorized Audio Research repair facility to do the work.

For example, George Meyer AV in Los Angeles actually does excellent work.

Their technicians are top notch and know their stuff.  They are authorized repair facility for Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Krell and so many others.

I've used them many times when I didn't want to do the work myself and they are very good.
