Linn LP12 & Miyajima Madake or ?

A little bit sad today, as I waited for about 3 months to get my Shindo Vosne-Romanee up where I am building my system in NorCal. Put the system together for a week and it was magical. A day before all my friends came up, I was enjoying some Aretha and noticed some dust forming so I stopped the record to clean it, somehow, someway - I taccidentally hit the cantilever of my Krystal MC on the LP12. Uoofff. It bent back all the way. I tried my best to straighten it out, got another few hours out of it. Right as my friends came over, put on Purple Rain, so much distortion - tried to adjust it and ultimately snapped off. Brutal. I guess luckily had a Naim Wireless Speaker I could set up outside, of course not the same lol.


ANYWAYS! With a lot of money down the drain and the need to replace the cartridge ! I am curious!

I spoke to Jeremy at BasilAudio who could trade in the broken Krystal and just get a replacement which is probably the most cost effective method. But I began to think of other possibilities! Firstly, I know some peoples thoughts on the LP12. The reality is that, while yes expensive, I think as you move up the ladder, the LP12 is pretty magical and I know not all feel this way!

So I could move up the Linn ladder. The system has an Ekos arm and Lingo Power supply, so it makes sense to me that it could easily move up. 

Buttttt... I recently learned of the Madake from Miyajima and curious if it could work. I have heard both yes and no from a few forums. Anyone have any idea of this? I haven't yet reached out to the them to ask. 

Alternatively, I do need to buy 1 or 2 turntables for Thatcher's Wine flagship shop opening later this year anyways, so its a possibility that I could move the LP12 there, but if I was looking at the Madake, what would work better? And considering it would paired with an Shindo Vosne and A23 SUT Homage.(which I don't quite have yet, so I have the ability to make adjustments if needed bases on the Cart)

Appreciate your thoughts!







@daveyf thats correct. there is a bunch of info and some say yes and some so no. 
so curious how everyone thinks it might work 


the us agent said it would be better on a 301, which ironically is what Shindo used also but not quite sure about the 301 yet. 


Dear @soundandmadeira91  :  i think that maybe you have other excellent alternative coming from Linn whom could takes the Krystal in change for the Kandid top of the line MC cartridge.


The Kandid is designed and manufactured by Scan-Tech under Linn specs. Scan-Tech makes the Lyra cartridge line and if you look a Lyra cartridge and the Kandid it " looks " sore similar that different and this fact does not says the cartridge motor and other internal cartridge parts beeen the same becaus are different.

What could be better that the Kandid with your LINN analog rig?

Yes there are several options the Kandid could be in your list.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@rauliruegas : +1! Best-bang-for-buck would be the Kandid cartridge! I am an LP12 owner and have always been skeptical of Linn's touting of these increasingly expensive upgrades. 

Re the Miyajima.  These tend to be very low compliance.  Thus they would perform best in tonearms with high effective mass.  I don't know if the Linn Ekos is in that class, probably not, but you can make up for mass by using a heavier then standard headshell.  One such is the Ortofon LH9000, which weights 18g.  I use it with my Koetsu, and I am quite pleased with the net result.  Otherwise, I think Raul has made an excellent suggestion.

The Link will show a little discussion about Linn Rebuilds.

Linn have a long history being associated with Lyra, in relation to Cart' Designs.

A search Google Search will show, the Krystal is already being touted as a Candidate for a Third Party Rebuild.

There are exceptional Third Party Rebuild Services in the US and in Mainland Europe. The Monies that can be saved through going down this route can be substantial.

Yours is a damaged model so usage life is prematurely over.

If the Cart' was to survive a 1000hrs usage and then be Third Party Service Overhauled. The Combined Cost for Purchase and Overhaul would be approx' $2000. This outlay is then offering the potential of 2000hrs and quite possible up to 3000hrs of replays @ $1 - $00.66 Cents a Album Replay.

