Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?

Yes tubes are more involved and require periodic maintenance. Hybrid tube components need not apply, these are really solid state.

Tubes are better for multiple reasons and yet the world and the trade prefers solid state. Those rare audio shops that are geared toward stereo listening and serious connoisseurs tend to Focus more on tubes.  Those in business who like to improve volumes tend to offer solid state.  All the YouTube channels looking to improve their business tend to be solid state.  Maybe because tubes require much more expertise to sell, and there's lesser and lesser to go around. Solid state is more of a fast food commodity.

Tubes are difficult for businesses due to all the maintenance and complexity so you see it less often. Much much easier to sell hybrids or solid state.




Might as well ask why is everyone eating vanilla ice cream when everyone knows chocolate is better.

Conventional wisdom is just another name for what passes for a correct belief while being too lazy to investigate.

All the best,

Superman is better than Batman

Trucks are better than cars

Football is better than baseball

These statements sound like what kids would say...

Televisions had vacuum tubes in them years ago. Are the televisions today better? Radios had tubes in years ago. Are they better than today's radios? What about computers? Maybe we should put tubes in them to make them better. I think cars would be better with tubes in the electrical system...

Probably in the distant future... vacuum tubes will not longer be manufactured anywhere in the world. It's not what I want, but tubes are not that great at what they do.....we have technology today that does the job BETTER.

I have tube amps.

I have SS amps.

The SS amps mainly sound the same when I let me head get out of the way. The tube amps all sound a bit different. Neither is better, they are just different. Depending on what speakers I have them hooked up to, they can be much different. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I don't. Audio is always that way. That is why we buy so much crap.

Hilde45 do you suffer from a mental problem with my presence here?


First i am satisfied with my audio system as it is...I said it multiple times...

Second improving when we know what we do is ALWAYS Possible...

Third i even indicated many times how i could improve my actual completely satisfying IMPERFECT system , by buying Dr. Choueri dac, Atmasphere class D amp or Berning Zotl i dont know now for sure, and i will keep my headphone...

Total cost of ugrading to beat my completely satisfying system ( 600 bucks) FOR ME NOW with a REAL upgrade because i know what i am doing and why : 15, 000 bucks... I dont know the price of Atmasphere class D amplification but i trust him as i trust Berning for quality design and for now i dont know what will be better for me ...


Conclusion : Dont trail me to cure your frustration about my long posts or alleged contradictions or for the simple reason you want to be at the center and i throw shade on you ... Go consult a psychologist treating obsession.. I cannot help you... I never trail people with this kind of obsessive behaviour ... I like to discuss but with you it is impossible...you never DISCUSSED my points... you are too obsessed it seems to be clear thinking..

You are supposed to be a philosopher , where are your philosophical points contradicting anything i said in acoustic , in musical interpretation or in any general matter ?


Anybody can found your annoying posts about me VOID of any content but only there to criticize my posts words count ( for almost three years now with the same observation and by the way as i said from the begining you are right my posts are too long ) or my alleged contradictions now ...

In a word, save for an idiot, or a nevrotic dude looking for my alleged contradictions, the fact that we can live happy with speakers in a dedicated room at low cost dont mean that UPGRADING SOUND QUALITY IS IMPOSSIBLE ...

Do you catch the "nuance" ?

The fact that acoustic installation beat most upgrade dont mean that Atmasphere amplification will not upgrade inferior amplification save for a distorted mind ...

it is enough clear ?

But yes because there is a minimal treshold of acoustic experience satisfaction , it is possible to create with 1000 bucks a very good satisfying system...I did it..

is it easy ?


it takes me 2 years full time...

i hope to be clear...

And read all my posts before putting words in my mouth...

By the way to cure hate i recomment studying, it is very efficient... Try it...


@mahgister I remember you saying that no one really needed to spend more that $500 on a system if they were paying proper attention to their room.

Now, you say, "It seems and i know that Alas! i did not have the money to buy proper tube amplification ..."

Are you now asserting that spending more that $500 on audio equipment can make the sound better even if the room is made very very good?

@atmasphere wrote:

There are now class D amplifiers that can deliver all the musicality that used to be exclusively the domain of tube amplifiers.

Does this apply mostly to the variants you’ve developed, or as well a more general direction with other, selective ranges of class D amplifiers?