Update on good Ethernet switch

ASI mentioned before I didnot want to say the brand until I heard the Ethernet switch not only after 300 hours which was recommended having a OX over controlled clock , 

and with what myself always do the weak link on any audio component starts with the stock power cord , for minimal monies the Pangea using Cardas grade 1 copper 6-9s. Awg14 sig,Mk2 , and getting rid of the 50 cent bottle neck fuse I put in a 1.25amp 20mm L ,slow blow synergistic purple fuse  these increase fidelity at least 5-7% the switch itself At least 5%  if you know the name Jays audio for transports ,his other company LHY Audio  the SW8 Ethernet switch for   $595 nothing has all this in a nice machined aluminum case , even the uptone ether regen or Sonore deluxe  using a with fiber optic which btw lessens the realism imo both were used witha Sbooster2 LPS , ,theSW8 Ethernet switch  is a great buy ,and if you add a decent power cord  and upgrade the fuse you  will be rewarded further , 7 of us reviewed this and 6 out of 7 thought it was a noticeable improvement vs the others  there were2 other brands which were more ,that were not even that good and had switch mode pS



@recklesskelly does the Teradak come with SFP cages / ability to swap SFPs or are they internally fixed? Assuming the latter. Which end do you use the Teradak on - the send (router/WAN) or receive (streamer) end?

@audioman58 I’ve had the SW-8 switch since December. It sounds very good in stock form and can be improved further. I have a ground box attached to its chassis along with a couple of sheets of fo.Q damping material on top (which is actually adjacent to the upside down mounted circuit board attached to the top). It responds well to both - the addition of either is easily audible in my moderately resolving system. Soundstage opens up, residual glare fades, vocals become more full bodied, palpable. The reverse is true on their removal. Similarly putting even the affordable Netgear GS108E switch upstream had the effect of slightly tightening up the soundstage focus.

The Alpha Audio guys did a group test of switches late last year including the SW-8 where the only variable was the switch used. With a good pair of headphones it’s not hard to hear the character of the differences between the SW-8 and the other switches - even with YT’s compression.

LHY now has the SW-6. Despite the lower product numbering this sits between the SW-8 and SW-10 and I believe it will even be superior to the later because its not repurposing cheap commercial switch hardware - it's a custom board design.

To my knowledge the only other switch that is custom built for audiophile considerations is by Nordost and its very expensive. Even those crazy expensive Ansuz switches use commercial boards inside.

Because the SW-6 is a custom made board the clock is now located right where it needs to be rather than on a daughter board. Also one output has dedicated isolation from the other 4. It has a SPF connection as well if you want to do optical.