I can demonstrate how he is wrong. Again I go back to food. Namely donuts. Let’s say all donuts that are perceived as good follow a basic recipe and ratio of ingredients. This can be verified by a scientific test in a lab. One place sells donuts that don’t follow that tried and true recipe but everyone flocks to buy some. That to me is what audio is like. I actually believe a lot of what Amir is saying but you can’t test food without the eating and enjoyment. There will always be a subjective component to reviewing restaurants if we want to go with the food analogy.
Initially I liked Amir and found the website good. All of my interactions with him were pleasant. But now I see a lot more of his personality and how if he doesn’t agree with a line of discussion he shuts it down. Then people get mad and leave or he turns off the spigot of information because his feelings got hurt. Then he claims he doesn’t care when he does. Talk about subjective!