Speaker Choice

I am new to this forum. I have recntly decided to dedicate a room in my house to a use that will be primarily audio with a secondary home theater use. I have started to assemble the components and have acuired the following so far:
McIntosh 2255
McIntosh C33
McIntosh MR78
McIntosh MVP881
McIntosh 7205
I am trying to chosse loudspeakers, preferably in the under $10,000 range per pair. I listened to the B&W 804D's and was totally unimpressed.I was then introduced to Monitor Audio Gold 200's and thought hey were great. I like lots of detail in a speaker. I would like recomendations on other possible speaker choices as well as comments on the Monitor Audios. I have not heard the 300's but those are also a possibility. I am considering a Rega RP6 turntable and a Mac 121 processore. All opinions would be welcome.
B&W didn't impress me, either. Suggest you listen to some time-and-phase aligned speakers, e.g., Vandersteen and Tannoy dual-concentric. You should get a very fine pair of Tannoys for $10K, and they won't cause listener fatigue.
Just a comment on Thiels.

Thiels nail everything - I simply cant fault them - except in one area - a bit dry, thin and slightly uninvolving although to some extent that's fixed by valve source gear.

Make sure you listen to Thiels before investing in a pair.

I personally prefer other speakers - but most certainly you should go out of your way hear a pair - I don't necessarily recommend the same thing for B&W's.


I don't entirely disagree and it's why I use valves in my front end. Compromises abound. Wish I could afford a pair of Magico Q5's. ;-)