Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers

Several weeks ago I took delivery of a pair of Martin Logan CLX ART speakers. I hooked them up with the supplied power cords from the seller. The sound was pretty underwhelming, so I let them settle in. After about 4 days the sound had not changed significantly. I decided to rob a pair of PI Audio power cords from my phono stages and put them on the CLX. Signicant change and was getting the sound I expected. 

The question I ask myself is why? This is a low current power supply that just feeds the stators. 

If it is indeed significant, and it seems to be, what level of cord is going to meet the needs? No reason to spend more than I have to. 


Looking forward to reading your thoughts or experiences. 


I found the same thing with my Xstatics when I changed from the stock power cables to audiophile cables (Mark Tunis Black Magic cables).   I attributed the improvements to stabilizing and lowering the noise floor of the stators.   Whatever the actually reason, I liked the difference and I’m not switching back (though I did test this to make sure I wasn’t making things up).

You can make up all the reasons you want, but the truth is you heard a difference because you wanted to hear a difference.  Just like the people who hear a difference when they "upgrade" the power cord on a turntable.  What's next?  Upgrading the power cord on your lava lamp?

When I worked for MFA years ago they had some Soundlab A3 electrostats there. I told Scott Franklin that if you replace the very small fuse with a super large value the sound would be much better.......so he went out to the workshop and got a 30 amp fuse and replaced the quarter amp fuse........It sounded way better, expecially the highs.

EVERYTHING MATTERS. Even the power on your lava lamp.....he he.

My first serious A/B of power cords was on a SOTA turntable back in the early 80s.  I had built a pre regulator (30V) and then a cable went to the turntable where there was a 12? volt regulator then the motor which turned the belt.  The power cord was from the wall to the transformer for the 30V regulator.  The best sounding power cord was made using Mogami wire (one of the few serious wires in those days).  Every single thing in the 30V pre regulator changed the sound including the transformer (I tried at least 4 transformers and they all made the sound different).

Of course, I am making this all up (not).  WE all kNOW that the only thing that matters is the measurements.  How dare we listen to things to KNOW what they sound like

An open mind and an open heart = happiness.   I wish you much happiness.

Power matters to ESL’s. I have upgraded my Quads’ power supplies to the premium version offered by Electrostatic Solutions, and the difference is startling.

I also upgraded the SUT’s (big improvement) and delay ladder (very small improvement). Perhaps the biggest improvement was removing the protection circuit - which I could do because my amps were designed so that they could not under any circumstances drive the speakers into the danger zone.

ESL’s are the great, but stock versions of all but the best examples can be improved. IMO



So you know the "truth". How comforting.


And what makes you think I own a lava lamp?

As a truth teller you should get the facts correct and not lean on conjecture.