Quicksilver V4 tubes

My monoblocks are from 2006 and I'm looking to retube them I've had the KT 88s in them and now I'm running EL34's but would like to go back to a more powerful tube such as maybe the KT150 would like some suggestions



Better check with Mike Sanders. Not all transformers are rated for that much power. And some amps are designed for specific tubes, or at least tube types.

The Mid Mono has had three revisions and the early ones can not use the big KT tubes.  Mike told me not even to use KT 90 on my second rev Mid Monos.  

I would contact him.  He is a straight shooter.   


In the Mid Monos I preferred KT77's. Mike actually recommended them to me.

Yea,  it’s been a while since I had the KT88’s’s in my amps  I had thought about doing this a while back and initially Mike said to me that because the newer V 4’s before they stopped manufacturing them had updated transformers to accommodate the bigger KT 120 and KT 150 tubes! so naturally, I was a bit surprised to see that he had said to someone else that you can use the other tubes and older V 4’s as well as his message back to me, which I have included here!


The older V4s can use the KT150s however I feel the Chinese KT88s sound better than the Russian ones. 
