The new Linn LP12 50th Anniversary edition

Linn have just announced their 50th anniversary edition LP12. See

The price is going to be starting at $60K.


Looks nice, but the price, like so much in the industry these days, seems to be what they used to call ' a thumb suck' number.



Two years ago we had the $35K LP12 on the cover of Stereophile. So even more now for the 50th Anniversary edition! This is a ’statement’ product to anchor Linn’s place in the top-tier of High End audio - like those $375K mono amps from DarTZeel in Switzerland!

So half the production already sold? Good news for Linn! There will always be some really expensive shiny new toy to catch the eye of some new millionaire! Too bad it can't be worn on the wrist!

For $65K here on Agon you can buy a Caliburn Continuum DD TT with Cobra arm and Castellon stand. A way better choice than the new LP12!

It's a lot to pay for Linn's interpretation of a Panzerholz plinth and a fancy button and hinges.

$60k for an LP12? Well that’s fine by me, I’m just curious as to how long it will take Ivor to offer expensive ’upgrades’ to this TT.

BTW: My 39 year old Heybrook TT2 has metal hinges.