Perplexed on how single driver speakers can cover such a large Hz range

I googled till I was blue in the face. I've always wondered how in the world the cone of a single driver speaker, with no crossovers, at any given ten thousands of a second, be vibrating a hefy 60Hz and also a sizzling 10 kHz. To me it's like quantum mechanics. I don't understand. I just have to accept.


I am having a pair of Omega Super Alnico Monitors built right now.  Should have them soon.   Will be using either a REL r305 or Velodyne DD 10 with them ,not sure yet. 

Consider headphones. If the required output is small you can reproduce any frequency

They can’t , I have owned a bunch of these full range drivers, which they are not, and are not linear they may get high frequencies to 16 khz  if a electric field coil driver much much better ,but still need a powered sub to be a full range speaker. And with single drivers non field coil they cannot play with higher SPL levels at all they become peaky in the upper midrange ,included several mentioned which I owned,but will not disparage them ,and start distorting at around 90 db they can sound pleasant but still no bass to 40hz 

a big Electrostatic speaker like Sound Labs is the-only exception stretching the term single driver ,and needs lots of Power to play loud and they are Big speakers but sound great.