Transparent Cable comparisons across both level and generation

I am considering a purchase of Transparent cables and have zero experience and knowledge of the different levels, which increase in price exponentially.  There are some older 'Ultra level speaker cables for sale that are 3 or 4 generations old.  They have them listed with the current Ultra list price which I suppose is irrelevant.  It appears that an 8ft pair could be purchased for around $1400.  My question to Transparent was how would that compare to a brand new Super 8ft pair for $2200.  Transparent responded via email and I called and talked to them and they said they NEVER compare both across generation and level.  They only say each new generation within a level offer an improvement.  I am disappointed in my first experience with this company to provide such a scripted response with no real-world insight.  All my electronics are Audio Research and I have spoken with several guys there over the years and they are always open to this type of comparison and speak honestly and genuinely with me.  All that aside, does anyone have such experience to offer recommendations as I am considering a purchase.  Thanks!




Looking at your system, Transparent is the brand you should be looking at. I have virtually all Transparent Ultra Gen 6 on my system. I have upgraded from various previous generations and models.


I believe that Gen 5 to Gen 6 was a very substantial upgrade. One that is compelling to choose. So, if I were to do it over again, I would choose Gen 6 and then go as high as possible on the product line. So, I was able to go for Ultra.


ARC and transparent are a fantastic combo… well, unless you can afford Nordost Odin 2… they are way better). I experimented with half a dozen other brands, Transparent is perfect. The higher level the better.

I went from the older Ultra too Reference mm2 some time ago and the upgrade was very nice much more bass smoother sounding. It is important from the reference line up that you get them calibrated by Transparent for the equipment they are going to be used with. Makes a noticeable difference for the better.



Another +vote for ARC/Transparent combination. Go for the new Super at $2200.


Happy Listening!

Thanks, jafant!

I just found an 8ft pair of Super Gen 5 yesterday for a good price so got those on order and the dealer is seeing what Gen 5 Super balanced IC he can get for me.  He had one 1m pair and I need another plus a 5m.  

Excited for the outcome



Nice choice! The Music link Super is certainly the sweet-spot in Transparent's catalog. The music improves as you go up the chain/tier.


Happy Listening!