Lumin U2 vs Aurender N200

I’m looking to upgrade my streamer from a Bluesound Node 2i.  My DAC is the module that comes in the McIntosh MA 8950. 
I curious about others experience with these two streamers.  How they may differ. 
currently I’m using Tidal but would change it SQ could be improved.  I thing the interface with the Node is decent.  
Thanks for any feedback.  


Just  upgraded from my Lumin U1 Mini with Sbooster Linear Power supply to the Lumin U2.  You can't go wrong with the Lumin products.  

Lumin accept fibre optic input, Aurender don't.

Lumin don't have internal storage, Aurender do.

Lumin rear connections are under a plate, a major PITA.

Aurender have an picture display, Lumin don't.

Lumin are an excellent product and so are Aurender.

I demoed several models of both and preferred Aurender.


You forgot one….😊

Aurender higher end models have word/master clock input, a huge performance advantage over many streamers if you have the cash to pair it with a high quality external master clock.


I have an Innuos Pulse feeding the DA2 in my McIntosh C2700. Also, the Pulse feeds my Aries Certat Helene DAC via USB. The Innuos software is easy to use and extremely reliable. 

Regarding sound quality, the DA2 is incredible from a cost/performance ratio. I think it can compete with anything up to $3.5K. However, as others have cautioned, I would not spend a mint on a streamer until you have a DAC commensurate in performance. The sound quality improvement you question will come from a better DAC, not a streamer. 

Lumin dealer disclaimer.....

I've had a few Lumin U2s come through so far and have been throughly impressed with the unit.  Unlike mentioned above, the Lumin sound is in no way "brittle".  

I've never heard your Dac, so can't really say how that combo would sound.  But I love the U2 with the Bel Canto and Line Mag dacs that I have here.