Any Present Magnepan 3.7i owner using them in a smaller listening space...

I am contemplating the purchase of the 3.7i's however I have a smaller listening space.  My space is approx. 10-ft in width by approx.14-ft depth (the space is open behind the listening position).  The most distance I could put the 3.7i's out from the front-wall would be about 3-ft.  If any of you 3.7i owners are working with a smaller listening space, can you offer some recommendations as to how you got your speaker placement to work ?  As I understand it, Maggies in general need to be placed out notably from the front wall to give them room to "breathe".  

Any experience or recommendations would help me in deciding to purchase or go another route.  Thanks !  

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@yyzsantabarbara  Thanks for your input on the LRS+.  I've heard personally and from all the reviews the LRS+ is terrific.  I really like the greater treble definition with the 3.7i's as I've heard both... Perhaps the 3.7i's would be to much for my smaller room.  

10 by 14, 12 by 11, etc...Magnepan is not for small room Bros. If you pull that panel 4 ft from the front wall, you will be seated flat up against the back wall (not good at all). Abandon all your Maggie desires and move on Brosnans.

@liquidsound I do not thing a bigger panel would fit my room. The LSR+ does give a rather large soundstage and fills the room more so than any other speaker I have had in this space.

I also have the KEF LS50 Meta and the KEF KC62 sub in this space. I am giving the LS50 to my nephew on Monday, and I will miss that speaker a lot (likely buy it again when I have funds). I find both the LSR+ and LS50 Meta just perfect for my room. It is hard to get full range sound in a small room without fatigue.


A local dealer had a large pair of Maggie's in on trade that were set up in a very small room and all they did to get amazing sound from them was pull them away from the front wall. and 2 feet from each side. Even close together the speakers gave a really great soundstage.