My McIntosh, they mailed me the LEDs, I removed the faceplate, switched lamps (easy), done.
My Vintage Yamaha, cover off, replace burnt lamps with new ones I bought on eBay, done. I stuck with 'wheat' incandescent, many people today convert to LEDs.
Not too handy: cleeds mentioned VAS, he is right, they can fix anything!
Steve and his son Ray at VAS are terrific people.
If you have the part, he might fix it while you wait. Write/call and ask him, pick a time with him, drive it there. If it proves tricky, leave it with him.
Tell him Elliott, Jim, Darius, Rick sent you! I met them all here, we meet and listen here, go there in pairs sometimes.
Where do you live? I'm in Plainfield, NJ, 35 mins from VAS