AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


Indeed mimicry is part and parcel of the creative process if it is used to absorb and then to recreate, so AI just by recyling mimicry can bring novelty to the art forms. What I wonder is: can AI entities ever actually be inspired?

What most bothers me most about any global (or globalist) promotion of AI is that hidden within it are assumptions about free will that are ultimately nihilist.

Free Will Out

I don't have to worry about aliens.  I wear my tinfoil hat even to bed, and especially my tinfoil underwear to block those dern port probes!

Sarcasm can be an armour of cardbord as those children created themselves to go out from reality or to avoid it ...


All people are conditioned from the cradle to university to cover themselves with the same tin foil hat and the same blinders...

Anything they dont understand about other people, they called it whith a gesture  "tin foil hat"...


Audiophiles should be wearing copper foil hats or at least tinned copper. Anything else would be disrespectful to our avocation.