I see your dilemma. Looking at your equipment I have to say it is pretty well balanced. No obvious one piece that is really weak compared to the others.
You have excellent speakers, and so are the Wilson and Sonus Faber. But they definitely have a different character. The Wilson is going to be more detailed and descrete image oriented and the Sonus Faber more musical… with great detail… but a bit less in your face (like real acoustic music in real life is). I would think the Wilson is what you are specifically asking for. I am not aware of how old the Wilson’s are. You should probably listen to them and see if the draw to the Wilson is what you want. The Wilson will have much greater presence and authority.
Now, if you make that move… assuming you are putting yourself into a $15K - $20K newish area, then over time you would want to upgrade the rest of your equipment to get the most out of you speakers. So, if you do lots of research and find the best possible gear that has the electronic character you want then you should double your investment in each (or more) and each new component should give you a “wow”. So, thinking $5K per… Streamer, DAC, Preamp, and amp. That system should be at the next level if you have done everything right and will be a hugely better system.