This e-mail has been cryogenically treated

I’d like to announce that, for no additional charge, all of my e-mails will be cryogenically treated. You can’t prove otherwise.

Seriously though, when a manufacturer claims their product has been cryogenically treated how would we even know? At least with seafood we can run DNA analysis, and often we find out we are being ripped off.

How would we know this about cables, plugs, power connectors, etc? Has anyone ever even seen this being done? That’s actually a serious question. I have never actually seen this happening.

How would we even know if, for instance, they treated a batch in 1995 and no longer do?



       "All we know for sure is that our current understanding of the universe is very incomplete, but hey, we've only been seriously at this "science game" for a little over 400 years. In that context, it is amazing what we do know, or think we know."

                                                Exactly my point!

         And it often seems: the more we learn, the less we find out we knew.


         Since Einstein was proven correct by The Hubble, Physicists have realized; our knowledge only encompasses, somewhere around 4 to 5% of the universe.

          And some want to make categorical proclamations/pontifications, as to whether it's possible for cables, constructed with knowledge gleaned since 1927, about QM, QED and electromagnetism, MIGHT make a difference in one's system.


                     Let The Cargo Cult go build another runway!

          We've only recently begun to understand how our own senses, as well as those of many of the creatures around us, actually function.


                             Do we hear smells, with our nose?


                                          Enjoy Science?


                                      Quantum Bird GPS?

                                       Who am I to argue?

                                          Happy listening!

                          In keeping with the thread's theme, I'll rephrase:

       And some want to make categorical proclamations/pontifications, as to whether it's possible for cables, constructed with knowledge gleaned since 1927, about CRYOGENICS, QM, QED and electromagnetism, MIGHT make a difference in one's system.

       Far as determining whether they indeed are cryo'd: street cred builds TRUST, in my book and it's hard to fool EVERYONE.

        At some point: if, "cryo'd" is an important decision maker/breaker; prior to purchase, one must decide: will they TRUST the purveyor's claims, or- purchase an Electron Microscope and compare some surfaces.

         I seldom buy things, that haven't been recommended/tested*, if not: lauded by others.

        *ie:  Not a cryo'd issue (never had anything thus treated), but; NASA compared Big Silver Oval speaker cables, against a number of others, with which to power their LASERS and found their performance superior.

                   Gave me confidence/trust and I wasn't disappointed.

"Oh, for cryo'in out loud...."

I had to go there...;)  Makes me want to have my mortal remains freeze-dried, just 'cuz....

Now, I'll go away...😏

Do carry on....

I hope your cold stare doesn't freeze anyone out or you'll hear from me.  Or maybe you won't.