Power cable from wall socket to power strip


Firstly; yes I believe that cables makes a difference. All cables. I don’t want a discussion with ”non believers”.

I use a power strip (Wireworld Matrix 2) which is connected to the wall socket with a Furutech Empire. But now I need a little longer power cable and I thought; does the power cable from the wall socket to the power strip really matter? I mean, all the way to my wall socket it’s just ordinary wire, so why should the part to the power strip matter. It’s just the last bit to the devices that matters, I’ve been told. Or…?
What are your thoughts about this?


You can’t go wrong with Hubbell Hospital grade receptacles. They are built like a tank. Luckily, we have all 12 gauge Romex for every receptacle/circuit in our home with 20 amp breakers. Normally, you will find 15 amp receptacles on a 20 amp circuit. Since our media room is on its own circuit, I swapped our the outlet for my audio equipment and used a 20 amp Hubbell. The rest of the receptacles are standard 15 amp and only used for lamps. Using a Hubbell receptacle is an affordable option that should be considered when setting up your system. Just one person’s opinion.

@coralkong -

 'And here come the cable deniers, lol. Saving the world... '

 'So old. So obnoxious. '

        Candyman, Bloody Mary, Beetlejuice, and the local Cargo Cult... WELL: those last ones can't even wait for their names to be spoken three times any longer: CAN THEY(snicker)?

                                  Let 'em go build another runway!

                                              Happy listening!

A dealer friend on this forum is currently making custom power cables and sold one to me specifically for wall-to-conditioner which serves line preamp, DAC, streamer and subs. Current cable is 10 already AWG, but dealer says his will sound more open and give more convincing bass slam. Silver plated copper strands and rhodium connectors. Waiting for that to arrive today for trial. If it makes a noticeable difference, I will ask him to build another for wall-to-power amp.

I thought there was an easy answer to my question, silly me.

I figure the best way is to borrow some high end power cords and compare them with an ordinary power cord.


What sound characteristics/improvements are you looking for, and what sound characteristics are most important to you? You’ll get some good recommendations here if you share this critical info. Also, as I mentioned earlier, buying used can definitely be your best friend here, especially when it comes to cables.