I read as far as Toddsyr's instructions. Then followed the instructions.
The reason, and the only reason I haven't done it before, is that AG make it ridiculously difficult to find the place to do it! Before looking at toddsyr's post, I went to the LOGICAL place to find it, under one's profile - are you listening moderators? The method you've created here is maddness and not logical at all. It's like you're hiding it and actually DON'T want us to do it! Crazy!
Put an obvious link under our profile info, and not bury it somewhere illogical where no-one would look!
I am not a noob with computers, quite the opposite, and I used to build computers and websites for a living, so I have some experience, but where and how it's hidden is ridiculous.
Many MANY people are having the very same issue fiding the place, like eryoung2k above. And, Why MUST we post a photo of our sysytem?? WHY is that a requirement?