Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!


Another case where I have to separate the artist from the art.  I think a lot of his work is fantastic, but that doesn't mean I subscribe to his world view.  I still love Annie Hall, but I don't condone Woody's behavior over the last (checks calendar)...always.  If I narrowed my focus of things I find entertaining to just the artists who pass some kind of purity test I'd have a pretty small record collection.

The OP post link is simple clickbait for some @$$ hole talking about the song.

otherwise agree with dissent regarding Roger Waters

Water's remake is a peculiar mix of an old rocker's creative re-expression and his religious views. "The Devil pats the briefcase that holds the Faustian pact" The pact is with Waters- and he pays homage to Cohen who also professed his Faustian Pact.  

It's an age old story- make the deal, get big and rich and then get torn down. Why should anyone be surprised that Waters is in the destruction phase now?