@cleeds - Overall, I'd say this site functions satisfactorily and the standards on this site are just fine. Yes, there are always a a few who abuse this free site, but they usually don't last long. If you have issues with the site's functions or standards, why not take your complaint to the moderators? They are typically quite responsive.
It does NOT function satifacorily, if you botherd to read all the many comments to the contrary. You, like the mods on this site, have your head(s) firmly in the sand. YOU may find it ok, but many, me included, do not. It IS arcaic like mc1969 says, but nothing is done - long standing members have left because of the lack of action by the mods. You/they don't accept what we are saying. The mods may be responsive, but they are dismissive in their responses. Issues can be fixed, but they don't bother, and that is not being responsive. Last page posting to a response is plain dumb - we're on page 4 now, but if I want to respond to a post on page one, it goes here, at the end = dumb and confusing. Every other forum on the planet does it right, why can't they fix it? Heads in the sand, that's why. The same goes for adding ones system. Why on Earth is it hidden? It should be accessed from ones profile - we shouldn't have to go digging around to find out where to include it.