I never asked moderators to erase someone post...
Even the post of someone three years ago who accused me in front of all people of killing people by my opinions ...
Second :
I like TRUTH... I answered WITH arguments to those who love their common place stupid prejudices saying non sense... China is not the same as the CCP no more than Russia is the soviet, and US is not Biden puppet regime nor the Trump puppet one with the oligarchs behind the two of them ...
People and their culture is one thing , politic is another...I respect and admire ALL cultures.. Like i respect and admire all animals... i despise actual politic schemes in the world...
Few said erroneously here that China never created engineering of high level but STOLE everything... it is false...China did great innovations in the past and even now... I cited an AUSTRALIAN STUDIES about that and give a search engine dedicated to this matter... You know HOW TO READ ?
I answered with history facts BECAUSE THIS IS false... In any country there exist commercial spying and this is a problem with the CCP for sure and everybody know that ... But we were talking about china creativity in the past and now in audio and in others matter here not about the CCP...
Only propagandists or ignorants can call these historical facts which are in every books propaganda...
I am fed up with the censorship which you seems to think is a great thing...Buy a mirror and look at you...
I am not a sheep in any country political boat in my country or in yours ... If you are one sheep speaking to all others sheeps , let us who are able to think by themselves BE...
the only propagandist here is YOU... The first sign identifying a propagandist is his unability to discuss FACTS and his appeal to censorship of FACTS ...
Educate yourself in geopolitic...
Patriotism is not ideological fanatism and chauvinism...
Seven :
Point me wrong about china historical facts or go in your hole, it seems you like to be offended, and let the moderators think by themselves they are adults, nor children nor fanatics...
Eight :
Saying that chinese were creative in their history , and are perhaps NOW able to create decent audio system is not "deep-state China propaganda" it is elementary verifiable simple facts ...
I dont like to be bullied...I respect everyone who respect everyone else here...
ten :
I am an adult and i dont need to adress the moderator .... SPEAK TO ME DIRECTLY...
this is absolutely absurd and I’d ask the moderators to remove this utter BS deep-state China propaganda that has absolutely no place here.