"Can You Lift Yours?"

Harmon Kardon Citation II Stereo Amp, 1959, 60 wpc; 120 lbs

(for the youngsters among us: tubes, SS didn't exist yet)


"Can You Lift Yours?"

"Space Heater. Ballast for Submarines".

"Useful for Training Weight Lifters"


being medically house bound since Halloween, tv overload, hopping about, I re-discovered a site with some great history:


in section 'omnidirectional speakers


interview with Stewart Hegeman 



I had a McIntosh AMP, MC2250, 250wpc, 80lbs.

I lifted it out of a low shelf in a tight space, felt a 3rd meniscus tear in my 'bad' knee while lifting.


Your Heavy Equipment Stories Please.


@jetter  That’s Exactly right. The Krell FPB 600 was more of a bitch to carry upstairs because of those sharp heat sinks and only had handles in the back. The ARC Ref 750 have no heat sinks and have handles on the front and back. So I was able to lift them diagonally and carry them upstairs. Definitely helped. 

I have a Pass 250 at 106 pounds as well as 3 other amps, I swap from time to time. 

I use a hydraulic lift on wheels to move it. I jack the lift up to my rack and slide the pass on to it and roll it into another room. Im 69 and heavy lifting is out for me.

...and this is why ’D’ amplification, given its’ current rate of development and improvements, will prove to be a godsend to aging ’philes. Eventually, their children, grandchildren, friends, and even clueless neighbors will avoid any sentence that begins:

"I hate to ask (utter BS, to begin with), but....could you lend a hand (and most other body parts) to move a couple pieces of my audio gear?"

Those who hadn’t seen the parade of items that had come and gone during their time living next to said ’phile may volunteer to their later regret, although the cost of professional help to regain their previous physical state will do so.

Those that have will default to the prepared ’cop-out’ that will indicate they will be as far away as possible in the next 5 minutes, lasting as long as possible.


My current amp weighs 48.9 lbs.

Multi-channel. 6 - 2 channel amps, A & B outputs, 24 out total.

Mono any or all, drive all or any one individually.

Fully loaded, all 24: 30w.rms, at acceptable specs. That which I can't hear anyway, given current space occupied and equipment applied.

Happy enough.

At 73, I can still pick up 60 lbs. of concrete.

Good to go for now. ;)

Bend your knees, J

I used to be able to.

One of my Krell KRS200 monoblocks weighs 181 pounds.  I could turn it on its end, pick it up by the end handles in a deadlift and stagger round the room with it.

Those days are over.  Like @asvjerry I am 73 and 60 pounds of concrete is no problem.

A few years ago, I weighed 244 lbs. I put a 4x4 post to hang one end of my hammock. I put 3-1/2 bags of cement in the hole.

I carried 4 80 lb bags quite a distance from the front driveway.

Perhaps that is why I just had back surgery!!!