Effective AC power conditioners for digital??

Have you found power conditioning (not just isolation) to improve the noise floor, dynamics and detail presentation of your CDP? If so what models have you found most effective?
I audiotioned the Richard Gray products with my Linn system and was not impressed. I followed up with an e-mail to Linn support and they are totally against power conditioning for their products.
I have tried several devices and they all worked equally well. Perhaps my noise problem was minor. I think it is worth trying several devices and comparing. In theory once you eliminate the noise problem (does not change with conditioner) and your equipment is functioning properly once again then it probably does not matter what "brand" conditioner you use - after all the noise doesn't know or care. FWIW I found only one component to be suffering from a problem (the other devices didn't care about conditioning or not) but I may be just lucky and already have cleanish power.
I think digital, especially, can benefit from cascading styles of power conditioning and filtering. Chokes, caps, balanced power transformers, etc. all deal with AC line noise in different ways. They also serve to isolate digital nasties from other equipment.

I'm guessing the better made players (aka Linn) already have something similar built into their players and DAC's, which is why you may not hear much if any difference.

I too have always found purchasing higher quality components with properly designed power supplies avoids the detrimental effects of conditioning altogether.
I have been very pleased with the Furman ref series on my front end cdp and preamp as well as one for the amps, speakers ,xover and subs on the other side of the room--any ? feel free to email me --rich