Raven Osprey Sonics But With More Power

I am looking to the wisdom of the crowd to help me narrow my options for a more powerful tube/hybrid integrated.  This is my first post so be gentle. 

I am very happy with the sonics from my Osprey 3.1 with its tube and fuse upgrades. Where I am looking to make a change is instances - 5% of listening, where head banging volume is called for.  My wife is finally understanding what great sounding audio is all about and if she wants to rock out to the Stones on 11, I want to give her that joy.  She notices the distortion and depth compression and is asking what's wrong....Speakers are Fine 703's and streaming to Aurender N100 via Pontus II is the source when we have our dance parties. Listening room is an open plan living/dining room that flows into the kitchen and den.

I am thinking hybrid but I have an 80wpc Unison Unico in another rig that I subbed in but it was too much of a letdown from the Raven to be a permanent solution. Would the BAT 3500 be a better substitute? The other consideration is the all tube Audio Hungary x200 = KT120/150 100wpc. Others I should look at, VTL possibly?

I find it pretty senseless to go and demo a piece of equipment at a dealer as the ancillaries make any meaningful comparison impossible, hence this reach out to those with hands/ears on experience.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.






I would think start with horn speakers for that big space. They would go way loud (and clean) with an Osprey.


Budget is $10k +/-, used ok with good provenance.  The Fyne's are not under consideration for replacement; they are 94bd efficient and sound great. I will ramp up my quest for someone to lend me a BAT for home demo. Thanks all for the feedback thus far!