Effective AC power conditioners for digital??

Have you found power conditioning (not just isolation) to improve the noise floor, dynamics and detail presentation of your CDP? If so what models have you found most effective?
In general, when trying to solve noise problems with digital equipment of any type you are working in the opposite direction than when trying to solve noise problems with analog equipment. (I am not talking about jitter problems, ) With an analog component you are trying to deal with noise already present on the power line. With a digital coponent the more likely problem is noise generated by the component, i.e. the noise is being placed on the power line by the component and that is what you are trying to defeat. The proper way to do this is via the design of the equipment itself.

In other words, if you truly have a noise problem that you can clearly hear, and you have switching components in your system, those very components are a likely candidate for the cause of the noise.

Any power conditioner that filters EMI will likely solve your problem. As many have said, this is a band aid approach. A better solution is to buy properly designed equipment or repair equipment that was properly designed but has since developed a problem.
I have had limited experimentation on my front end. But the audio magic really did nice things for me
I have not had good luck with any power conditioner. They always introduce some bug in my system that annoys. They do change the sound, and one must be careful not to accept changed sound as better. By the way...Richard Gray was particularly bad
I use a Arcam prepro(for now)+7B-ssts
and a BCD-1(cdp),all plugged into a Torus.
The Torus is SUPER quiet,Huge sound stage and bottom end.
I also have cdr,turntable,dvdp hooked up.
No noise whatsoever.I am running a sub panel(10guage awg).
I use to use the Hydras and the 2s for my gear.But since the
install of the Torus,she's definately a major upgrade.
If you can try one out,I'm sure you'll never look back.
I've been thru a few conditioners,The Torus is staying just
like my mono blocks.
My experience is that power conditioning for digital sources is extremely effective- i.e. it is not simply a matter of "isolating" the digital from other components.
I find what PtmConsulting says has proven accurate, a variety of complementary conditioning and isolating devices more effective than any 1 unit alone.. I am using a very highly resolving Spectral/MIT system;perhaps that results in the notability of the improvement AC conditioning has made for digital.