Read me right :
My low cost dac, HIDIZS Ap 80 pro will not beat more costly one ..It can be not too far if the synergy and if his functionalities are impactful in your system as in mine...
and as i said all is about synergy with a system...
---In my system i need a low noise floor , and this dac had a battery , then i did not connect it to the electrical grid ( only my amp is )..
---I need to go out off the computer noise floor where my files are... Now they are in the big internal micro card inside it...No computer noisy connection...
---I need an equalizer integrated to optimize the mighty AKG K340 ... It is done all that with this dac weighting few ounces..
FOR ME this dac had no fault... In another system it will stronly depend of this other system needs...
Dac technology is mature, it does not means that a single dac can meet the needs and expectations of all customers...
My point is mature dac tech . can give us something very good at low price...I cannot fault my dac on any of these points but it does not means it will the case for you, i hope to have been clear 😊:
(1) high ends are open, ary and articulated without treads of edginess or digital glares; (2) midranges are rich / full without vocal sibilance; (3) bass is weighty and nimble; (4) width / depth / height of soundstage; and (5) separation of sound sources either vocals or instruments.
By the way these 5 points are not enough...We must add two others,
(6) Holographic volume of each sound source must be there and "seen" or felt if you prefer ( i see music😁)
(7) immersiveness : the ratio between the sound source volume and the listener position in relation to them must be an encompassing relation not an excluding relation...In a word the listener envelopment factor must be felt...
But only a DAC by itself alone cannot give all that without the synergy with the other components... And the other components must be at least as good as the dac...
This dac could be upgraded but i compute a necessary investment of 50 time his price to create a real upgrade, not a marginal one... Anyway i dont need this real upgrade because i am happier than i ever was..