"Can You Lift Yours?"

Harmon Kardon Citation II Stereo Amp, 1959, 60 wpc; 120 lbs

(for the youngsters among us: tubes, SS didn't exist yet)


"Can You Lift Yours?"

"Space Heater. Ballast for Submarines".

"Useful for Training Weight Lifters"


being medically house bound since Halloween, tv overload, hopping about, I re-discovered a site with some great history:


in section 'omnidirectional speakers


interview with Stewart Hegeman 



I had a McIntosh AMP, MC2250, 250wpc, 80lbs.

I lifted it out of a low shelf in a tight space, felt a 3rd meniscus tear in my 'bad' knee while lifting.


Your Heavy Equipment Stories Please.


my old Soundcraftsman amp weighs a lot. Haven't lifted it onto a scale. But maybe after a nap.....

I'm in the process of moving, so I feel your pain.

I tweaked my back, but decided to continue moving my stereo equipment. 

Bad idea.

My amp weighs about 85 lbs and it nearly killed me moving it up a flight of steps.

Speakers are about 80lbs each and my sub is over 100lbs. These I got help on.

No fun.

Well, yuh....but ones' personal form factor remains the bottom line, esp. when the hands hit the chassis...  Unless your posted pic is a file photo from youth gone by, you've got a built-in 'cheat'. *mock grumble*  And it's vaguely reassuring that the 300s' pose a challenge to you, Commanding Grips notwithstanding.... ;)

@asvjerry I look like I can lift more but lower back has increasingly become a weak point. I know lift with the legs, keep back straight etc, but all it takes is one absent minded moment and I get a week of back pain & hobbling :(

Also my grip is a relative weakness (hence the gloves). Alas, the "gym bro" thing was fun for a while but I was not made to lift big #s. In my 40s now I've decided to give up the gym for swimming laps. 

Take care of your backs, guys!

When i was young i worked at the post office...

We learned how to lift heavy weight securing our back... I never loose the habit...😊

I had my new Cyrus i7XR in my main room the last week or so and it sounded great with my Forte IV and Heresy…  It sounded even better with a pair of Sonus Faber Concerto.   I am impressed how this little integrated amp sounds. 

It’s for a bedroom system and it sounds way better than expected.  It’s been 90* plus here so I’ve been giving my tube amps a rest.   In my main system it really acted like a much “bigger” amp.  So clear and detailed for 40 watts.    Can drive 85 dB sens speakers plenty loud while maintaining composure.   I should have my Omega Super Alnico in a few weeks to pair with this amp 

I like big amps and I can not lie , but I’m running out of room.