What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?

There have been a number of threads discussing the wonder of GaN and some of the individual amplifiers that have caught peoples attention, including those from AGD, Atma-Sphere, Peachtree, LSA, etc. Has anyone done a shootout against two or more GaN amps? If so, which did you prefer, and why? And on what speakers?

Also, of the one you preferred, do you prefer it over every other amplifier you’ve ever heard? If not, what non-GaN amp do you enjoy more?

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In a word:

The designer in his plea is right...

The tweaker in his plea is right too...

 In a general way...

All the rest is case by case specific undesirable or desirable modifications...

Ralph would have us all buy 4 guage power cords and use whatever for line level (Mogami is fine, with him....a friend of mine started with Mogami and thought is was good...then he tried two others that BLEW away the Mogami).  He has said over and over that balanced cables make no difference in sound.  Even his customers hear otherwise.  You have to listen to know....you have to listen to know.....and listen with an open mind.....an open mind.

This is a misrepresentation; a strawman and is false by definition. I did not made the statements implied in this post nor have I received the feedback he implies.

I've explained that voltage drop is part of why power cords sound different elsewhere on this site. I've also mentioned that there is another variable, which has to do with bandwidth.

WRT balanced lines, I've pointed out many times that if the equipment using it does not support the balanced standard (very common in the 'high end audio' world), differences in cables will be easily heard since the shield of the cable and the dielectric (insulation) have become part of the 'sound' of that cable. The Golden Age of Stereo recordings (1958-1960) demonstrates that the balanced line system works quite well, unrivaled by single-ended connections.

Its one thing to have an open mind; quite another to ignore fact in favor of made up stories.

I don't know about feedback but I have seen a couple of posts by your customers saying they hear great differences in balanced cables using your balanced gear.

There is no made up story....you have claimed over and over again that balanced cables make no difference (using true balanced source and load)......you just implied it again....case in point.  All cables sound different no matter where and how you use them.....this is fact....dicernable by your ear.....by anyones ear.

I never said you told people to buy 4 gauge power cords.......it is just what you imply.

There are tons and tons of factors in a power cord that effect sound quality.  Resistance is one of hundreds....Bandwidth?  You need wide bandwidth to carry 60 cycles?    Actually, you do....and you don't......long story.  What about all the other factors?  You don't go there, eh?


Getting back to GAN amps.

I got the used Peachtree GAN400 (400W) today and replaced the modded Peachtree GAN1 (200W) on my Magnegan LRS+.  Those ratings are for both 8 and 4 Ohm. The LRS+ sounds more alive with that additional power, and also the inclusion of my KEF KC62 sub in the chain. The LRS+ certainly does like power. It sounds the best with my CODA #16 amp but the GAN400 gets close enough. Most importantly the sound is very enjoyable for $1200.

The GAN400 does sound more powerful than the LSA Voyager 350 GAN. I had the 350 GAN modded by Ric and it was better than stock. If I decide not to 'upgrade' (or sideways move) to a Class A/AB amp I will send the GAN400 to Ric to do his magic on it.