Need help in DC/Northern VA - Tonearm board modification

I’m looking for help to modify the wooden tonearm board of a vintage turntable (Denon DP-80/DK-300). This would involve the following tasks:

1. Removal of a jammed tonearm nut from the base board

2. Drilling a new hole of a different diameter on the base board at a specific distance using a drill press

The baseboard material, I believe, is resin treated 30mm plywood and would need drilling using a Forstner bit. I have tried reaching out to multiple people/shops for help locally but no luck yet. If anyone here knows a person or a place that I should try, please let me know. Thank you for your help!


To be fair, I just used the contact form on their website. Maybe I will try calling them as well. I did reach out to Music Technologies and was informed that they are not taking up customizations as they are closing soon. I am adding a few pics of the table and armboard in case its useful.

TT top

Armboard top

Armboard bottom

@richgeova -

      Send it to me and I'll have it back to you within one week.

                               PM me, if interested.


@richgeova -

      Hi, George-

               Reached out.    No Mail Box.

                          PMed back.

                           I'll be here.