What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?

There have been a number of threads discussing the wonder of GaN and some of the individual amplifiers that have caught peoples attention, including those from AGD, Atma-Sphere, Peachtree, LSA, etc. Has anyone done a shootout against two or more GaN amps? If so, which did you prefer, and why? And on what speakers?

Also, of the one you preferred, do you prefer it over every other amplifier you’ve ever heard? If not, what non-GaN amp do you enjoy more?

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There are tons and tons of factors in a power cord that effect sound quality.  Resistance is one of hundreds....Bandwidth?  You need wide bandwidth to carry 60 cycles?    Actually, you do....and you don't......long story.  What about all the other factors?  You don't go there, eh?

Actually I have. Bandwidth is required to pass current in the short period of time at the peak of the AC waveform when the power supply filter caps can charge. If the bandwidth is lacking in the cable the caps will not charge properly. I have explained this elsewhere.

I never said you told people to buy 4 gauge power cords.......it is just what you imply.

Ralph would have us all buy 4 guage power cords

😂 When someone is willing to contradict themselves in this manner, its not about fact. Its about making the other person wrong.

It is time to stop with the trolling.

I am listening to a long playlist of Sinead O'Connor music as I type this, and it is goosebumps. I am sure it is 99% her voice but the gear does add to the beauty of hear voice.

This is a comment that I often see made by people that purport SETs. We might have a difference of opinion here; mine is that the equipment should not add or subtract WRT to the beauty of the recording. In this way, the more neutral you can get the equipment to be, the more it can bring out nuance in the recording without editorial. 

This is a comment that I often see made by people that purport SETs. We might have a difference of opinion here; mine is that the equipment should not add or subtract WRT to the beauty of the recording. In this way, the more neutral you can get the equipment to be, the more it can bring out nuance in the recording without editorial.

I do not think we have a difference in opinion regarding the type of gear we prefer. My goal has been to go to neutral and let the source dictate. My Livingroom system is Benchmark LA4 preamp and DAC3B into a CODA #16. Only the CODA is really not super neutral. It is slightly warm. I wanted power for that system and the #16 delivers. The LA4 is a beauty to my ears, it adds the least of any preamp I have heard.

My office system is also geared towards neutral with a Holo Serene preamp (very similar to the LA4), Schitt Yggi+ LM DAC and now what I feel is a neutral sounding GAN400.

The even more neutral Benchmark AHB2 sounds better to me than the GAN400 but the GAN400 is a much better amp for the LRS+. In fact, the AHB2 is my fav amp but it is not guaranteed to drive everything.

BTW - Sinead has such a beautiful voice that even on a transistor radio I would get goosebumps listening to her.


Neutral is good for details and realism...

My Sansui Au 7700 so good it was , sounded less neutral than my Sansui alpha , it was not so less sensible in my speakers/room , but with headphone i even change my french TDA 1543 Dac NOS which was more than good , for a more neutral Hidizs dac and the Sansui more neutral amplifier , because my headphone asked for  the highest possible cleanliness and neutrality... They are way more refined than my speakers were so good they were in my room ..

Then ideally we need neutrality as an end goal...

I have not had a Class D amp that bettered my best Class A or even AB amp yet. I have kept it under $3K for the various Class D amps I have tried.

That is interesting. I wonder how the AGD or the Atmasphere amps compare to some Class AB amps that are highly rated in the <$10k range. But I have also read reviews, where owners were happy with the GaN amps and had no remorse replacing the AB. Of course, everyone's experience is different.