This has been interesting, more responses than I anticipated.
NOW, let’s reassess.
i.e. Camera World, Sony 1" Sensor Line: rx100’s; RX1’s; especially RX10m4
Many, Many Old Dogs, Aging Baby Boomers grew tired of lugging DSLR’s, and a Kit of Lenses, and found the IQ of these 1" sensors good enough to leave/sell the heavy stuff home most if not all of the time.
Regarding these Monster Amps: how many think they engaged in Overkill? Changed to smaller speakers, now they are overkill? IOW, could smaller lighter amps/speakers satisfy you old dogs these days?
Bigger amps need bigger power protection so those could be reduced also?
Me: "I ain’t Changing Nothin’. ******
I will NEVER get rid of my big speakers (over 100lbs) in my main system, they are on 3 dual wheel casters for altering toe-in, moving out of the way a bit or a lot. Get a friend to help lay them on their face for annual back removal to check/tighten woofer, and check the horns (never loose, but gotta check em.
Amp, Preamp, SACD, Furman, SUT all manageable.
3 Arm TT is big and darn heavy, need a friend to move it.
R2R is now over the limit rarely moved, these days I’ll ask for help.
Office System; Garage Shop System, all manageable, except the Yamaha Receiver is large and heavy and in awkward/dangerous high position, so help with it would be wise. I just liked it’s design and specs, didn’t think about it’s weight. AR-2ax speakers just manageable, the wifey can help me with them.
************************ "I ain’t SIGNING nothin!"...........................
Saw Ray Davies in a small club on his own. My memory of his story: "The Kinks, playing stadiums, couldn’t hear their own music, and for fun they started loudly shouting curse words to each other, especially Dave Davies".
Waiting to go on the Ed Sullivan show, Ray negotiating with the portly head of NYC musicians union was signing .. whatever they made all musicians sign before performing,
Then someone goes to the lounge, tells Dave to sign here. Dave says something like " Fuucck Off, I ain’t Signing Nothin".
They were banned and did not play in USA for (I thought he said 10 years)
This story says 4 years, I found, but did not read it, I prefer Ray's version.