DAC contest: Border Patrol Sei or Chord Qutest?

I had a thread about CD transports hijacked by a member who insisted that I had to ditch the Border Patrol before doing anything else in my system. No idea how he landed on the Chord, but he did.

So, here you are... a place to stomp some more on the Border Patrol and praise the Chord... lol.


@badgerdms ...But if you actually just let each unit go for about of week of listening and see which one actually lets you enjoy the music more, it’s the Border Patrol. ...


The recently new BP SE-I dac model I have with the Jupiter Beeswax caps sure seems to take its sweet time to settle in. Not quite at the recommended full week of hours yet, and it’s a mind game so far. Has transformed at least 2-3 times now, and more change last night during a long listening session.

Had I not gone through this with other caps, I could see how folks get impatient and resell too fast. This explains a lot, there is a prize at the other end, as I gather it now. Curious to know what others have experienced, and did they not give it enough time? I suspect this may be the case now for some, not letting the whole dac settle in.

First 24-48 hours of use was rolled off on the high freq, rich and thick. Now with more time on it, has started to open up with added texture, really interesting and engaging midrange, particularly with tracks I normally would not listen to, yet I can with this dac. Gary at BP instructed it would be at least a solid 75hrs burn-in to start, and another 2-5% gain later with more time. I can begin to understand what he’s talking about now. It’s sound is transforming exactly as he said it would, nice.

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I just think when a person relatively new to the hobby asks a question and a member inevitably comes on as all knowing, at least he should post pictures of his system so the noobie has an idea of his frame of reference.

+100... spot on

this comment should be the headline of the other thread about frequent posters showing their systems

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I just think when a person relatively new to the hobby asks a question and a member inevitably comes on as all knowing, at least he should post pictures of his system so the noobie has an idea of his frame of reference.

@jetter First, I never said I was “all knowing” so you can just save that utter crap. All I try to do is get as good of an idea as possible about what an OP is really looking for and then share whatever experience I have through what I’ve heard and/or read if I think it might be helpful in some way. That’s it. I don’t profess to be “right” when making recommendations because that’s just arrogant and stupid. Many people have messaged me over the years that they really appreciated my thoughts and found them very helpful, which is all that matters to me while your and @lordrootman opinions mean virtually nothing.

But, you make a good point about my system not being listed listed here so I took care of that oversight just now — pictures to follow whenever I get around to it.