All dacs sound different like all cable may sound different, all amplifiers too...
But It is related also to their synergy together...
But there is a diminushing return ZONE...Not a point...
This ZONE is determined in his area by the subjective appreciation of your system synergy with the dac and the objective qualities of the dac design in itself...This zone area is a ratio in your OWN audio history ...
The dac technology being mature, it is useless to invest in costly dac instead of investing in a complete new technology IF YOUR DAC IS ALREADY GOOD : try BACCH filters or a new upgrade amplifier or speakers or headphone with the same money ...
But everything that i say dont apply to people with an unlimited budget...My rule dont apply to them... 😊
I spoke about sound quality for the average folk... My basic system is 700 bucks and i cannot fault it on any acoustic count... Is there better system? yes... I dont need them because the ratio S.Q. /price is linked to this diminushing return zone in my own audio journey...My only possible REAL upgrade, not a side upgrade , will be BACCH filters... And my systwem is already so good i can even live with it as it is... Not bad for the price i paid ... And dont think that i may be deaf and not a so refined listener, i tuned my room myself and i can HEAR very well for my age window,,,
Anybody with no budget limit can buy a 500,000 bucks system....Very easy to do...A child can do it if he can sign a check...😁
It does not impress me ... I prefer the game : what is the best at the least price and how do i learned how to create a top system for peanuts ...
I winned at this game...And i know why...
If you never learned basic acoustic you CANNOT know how nor know why...If you did not know how to optimize your system embeddings controls, You can only own a 500,000 bucks system , thats all... Thats dont impress me...
And acoustic experience is not related to price tag at all... Sorry for the dude who own a 500,000 system that sound not so much better that the price may suggest...
My post is written for normal people with not much money who dream about Hi-FI ...I want to say it is possible at low cost but with studies and some thinking...