Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?



Give it up son. Two days ago I did post some photos of my system in an attempt to tutor you in how to take a decent shot of your system. Remember? 

I pointed out just how dark, out of focus and poorly composed they were on your systems page and with just using an old iPhone 8s, I posted some rather nice shots of a speaker, my integrated and the gear on my audio rack from an overhead shot. 

The integrated was with no lights on in the room save for the TV and the units meters and it came out beautifully, showing tons of detail with great amounts of gradation from dark to light. The speaker and rack were done with just one light on in the living room, showing what can be done in low light conditions. I even threw in a couple extras of a bust and a calevera skull done in low light that came out in fine detail. The only decent shot of your system is one you took from Canuck Audio Mart (the logo is still on the lower right).

And what did you do? You reported the post and had it deleted so you could have something to complain about. What you forget is that it went up quite early in the evening and wasn't taken down until after 6:00am the next day so everyone who follows this thread saw it and had a good laugh at your expense.

All the best,


@nonoise ,

You did indeed post some dandy pictures!

As the saying goes; It's not the arrow, It's the indian...

@bikeboy52  You're not doing anything wrong. It's just that kota1 flagged the post and had it taken down about half a day after it went up. It was too much for him, I guess.

All the best,