To Raise or Not to Raise Heresy IV's

I've noticed the speaker cabinets moan a bit in the lower reaches of their range with or without a sub when they are on the floor and this has really started to annoy me.  Ive been contemplating raising the H4's to get rid of this moaning, but the general consensus is that raising them will cause the bass to evaporate. I figured, if I'm using a sub anyway why should I care if the bass evaporates; I'll  just bump up the sub. 

I brought in 4 cinderblocks and removed the H4 stands. Initially it sounds fantastic and the moaning is gone.

What's my point in all of this? I was hesitant because of the opinions of others, but I tried it and I think there is very nice improvement, so.....if you use a sub and have vaguely considered raising your H4's, but have been worried about negative opinions, I think it is worth a shot.






Well that is very generous. Let me know and I can send you a Label. And if they don't work out for me I will pass them on again within Audiogon.