Who to trust when buying vintage ss ?

A co worker wants to start getting into audio. I suggested an harmon kardonn 670 as a starter. Any suggestions for trustworthy online sellers of this sort?






Thank you guys, I will pass this thread off to the hopeful beneficiary for his perusal. 



@tonydennison Without getting into the nitty-gritty, you need twice the power to get a 3dB increase in perceived sound volume. The corollary is that at 30w, you'd take a -3dB hit. To get twice as loud (+10dB), you need ten times the power. Anyhow, unless he's blasting it, it's 30watts of clean power versus 60 watts of grainy old components grinding away through old potentiometers and dusty caps. 

The PM6007 is 60 W and the Rega is, I think, 30 W. The speakers would have to be real, real, real sensitive.

Really need to know what speakers he’ll be driving to make any meaningful recommendations here, but I agree with the recommendation above that for not much more $ I’d avoid vintage and consider the Schiit Vidar or Aegir (sweet Class A) depending on his power needs.  Best of luck.