Bad news for home theater enthusiasts

Disney is ending all DVD and Blu Ray releases down under for Australia and New Zealand which may be a harbinger of what can eventually happen to the rest of the world. Their last release will be Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3. From now on it's streaming only for them.

It's a good read for those with a big investment in physical media as streaming still can't match the quality and the big players just don't care as there'll be one less product to make.

Are we going to see a run on blu ray players with prices going through the roof again like we did when OPPO decided to call it quits? My OPPO BDP-103 is old and the mid level Panasonic DP-UB820-K is starting to look a bit desirable right now. 

All the best,


@nonoise  let me amend my statement, You continuously start new discussions and inject yourself into conversation where you have no experience, knowledge, or anything relevant to contribute. When called out, you attack people. 

Kaleidascape is a streaming service, and it starts at 7k, which is the one I have, and it has superior quality to Bluray. 

But hey, it proves my point, you don't know anything, and you don't even try to educate yourself, you are quite literally just NOISE. 

I care about this hobby, and I want to get the best I can afford and that makes sense for my house, and I am certainly not ultra wealthy. Again, insanely silly to talk about price on a forum where people spends tens of thousands on a power cable.... 

@fredrik222 That was the lamest of apologies ever (lies, slander and spin) but it'll do. Coming from you, that's the best anyone could hope for. 

All the best,

@nonoise  It wasn't an apology, no idea how you thought that. 


But consider yourself educated, again, about the best video platform out there. Not that it will matter in the future, see previous point about your willingness to learn.

And that folks, is what's know as saving face masked in a parting shot while whistling past the graveyard.

All the best,