"Well, if it makes you feel better, the warehouse/hub guys were playing soccer with it, so the simple drop from waist high is the least of the G-forces it’s encountered."
+1 I was thinking something similar. Just not as witty. This is the shipping process that the OP saw. What about what he didn't see?
For the record, our UPS driver/delivery person, Mike, is a great guy. I was surprised to learn how established his social circle is. When you, literally, meet everyone involved in a business along your route (and, are a nice guy) it would explain why you'd make a lot of friends. I had a short conversation with him a couple of days ago. He has 1 1/2 years left before he retires. I asked if he would ever wear anything brown again. "... chuckle." Then, he dropped off the package. No, not literally. He placed it gently in my hand.