Moving Up from a Jolida JD9

Thinking about moving up from my modded Jolida JD9. It has Audyn caps, Sonic Imagery Discrete Op Amps, and sounds about as good as it ever will. I'd just like to have something that sounds smoother and more refined. I'd like to stay with tubes, preferably 12AX7's as I have a bunch of them already on hand. My budget is around $1500 and I have no problem with buying used gear. I have a VPI Scout with an ART9xa cart. I mostly listen to classic rock, blues, and smooth jazz. Any suggestions, opinions, advice will be appreciated.



I moved from a modded JD-9 (Burson op amps/Jupiter caps/NOS 12AX7s) to an E.A.T. E-Glo Petit and it was huge improvement, both in sonics and convenience. Like theflattire, I’ve since moved on to a Modwright PH 9.0X, but that’s in a completely different league; if I hadn’t gotten a great deal on the Modwright I could have been totally happy with the E-glo for years.

Thanks everyone. You've given me a lot to research and I do appreciate it. I'll get back to all of you after I've read up on what's been mentioned.

I have a modded JD-9 as well.  ODAM V-Caps, Burr-Brown OPA’s.  Not sure I want to get into the vinyl rabbit hole with the streaming quality improvements.  🤔 Thanks Sam for this interesting thread.

You’re welcome. I’m retired and on a fixed income now so I have to spend wisely. I probably won’t get into streaming and just improve on what I have. I have hundreds of lps and hundreds of cds to keep me happy and occupied and don’t have much interest in getting into something new. I've bought most of my gear used here or on other sites to get more bang for the bucks and I've been lucky so far.
I’m not unhappy with the JD9, it sounds very good for what it is. The caps, nos tubes, and discrete op amps helped quite a bit but it still just sounds like its lacking something. Probably I’ve just got that itch that needs scratching. lol