UPS Driver Literally Drops Package with New Hana Umami Red

I just purchased a Hana Umami Red and it arrived yesterday. I looked back at my ring doorbell video footage and saw that the UPS driver literally dropped the package from about waist high onto my porch. Here is a link to the shared video:

It was packaged well from the distributor and everything looks fine (I opened the box before realizing this happened). I haven’t installed yet, but I’m pretty upset by this and not sure I want to install it. The rational side of me is saying these packages see much worse during transit, but I’m worried about the possible damage or latent damage this careless act may have caused. How robust are phono cartridges and how susceptible to shipping damage?  Looking for some opinions please.



ALL electronics should be marked clearly on all sides of the package "FRAGILE - GLASS CONTENTS - DO NOT DROP"

When the drivers see "GLASS" they take notice.  Otherwise for all they know it is a book or t-shirt, etc.

I really don't think they care about fragile stickers. I've never placed any stock in "fragile" stickers, and never used them unless they were already on a reused box. Glass has to be properly packed to be unphased by a modest drop, or any claim will be rejected on that basis, regardless of stickers. 

What I have been told is that (maybe) they take more care with packages insured over a threshold of about $900 - 1000. 

I just watched the video. It was dropped from about knee height, nothing egregious, or concerning to me. 53 posts later… Seriously?

Had a similar experience with FedEx.. 

 I just got my Acoustat TNT200 rebuilt and Monoblocked by Roy E. FedEx truck pulls on front of my house.  I'm outside waiting,  she slides the door open, reaches above her head ro grab the box. I watched it all before it happened.  I rushed down the path to her before she tried to bare the weight.  As she swings around, the box drops right to the ground....I opened the box, of course one of the corners was dented as well as a few large CAPS dis-lodging,  that sucked!!!!


Whenever I pack something for shipment, I pack it in such a way that it can survive an 8 foot drop onto a concrete floor.  Put that in your mind when you double box and pack things and you'll be good.

Every time I see this thread title, I cannot help wondering what damage might have been done of the UPS driver figuratively dropped the box containing the Hana Umami Red, which already sounds like an exotic Asian spice or illicit drug.  Or hypothetically dropped it.