This thread obviously strikes a nostalgic chord with everyone. it's a chance to travel back in time to a younger more innocent time. For me, it was Natural Sound in Framingham, MA. Went there with a buddy in 1974 or so, (stoned of course), and listened to stacked Quad speakers, with Mark Levinson pre and amp, and some turntable I can't remember, but nice. I think in those days, the system was $30K! It literally blew me away. Whatever we listened to sounded like the band was playing right in front of us. It was incredible. I have been chasing that sound (or how I remember it) since I started buying equipment. Alas, the only things that I could afford were a Harman/Kardan receiver, a Phillips Turntable (with the very cool LED lights) and ElectroVoice Speakers. Started upgrading in college and never stopped! But still haven't gotten that sound, although my current system is excellent.