Learning about crossovers helped convert me from atheist to a believer in God

Let’s see if this one survives.    

I have been an atheist for 50 years.  Recently I became a believer.  One factor that helped tip the scales is the “fine tuned universe” argument - the idea that the physics constants, e.g. the mass of an electron, are so finely “selected” that if they weren’t very close to what they are, life wouldn’t exist.  This is an argument for a creator.  The best counter argument seems to be that there are an infinite number of universes and we got lucky.  

When I got into audio, and started learning about crossovers, I was ASTOUNDED at how well the pieces fit together.  Octaves are exact doubles of frequency.  3dB describes so many seemingly unrelated phenomena.  But the one that really got me was the magic of capacitors and inductors.  They share no parts, other than wires sticking out at each end (usually), one acts due to voltage, one acts due to electromagnetism, one resists AC, one resists DC.  And yet, somehow, they are mirror images of each other, using almost exactly the same equations, behaving perfectly orthogonal to each other, even to the extent of how powerfully they perform their function (3dB again).  How is this possible?  Could this have happened due to random chance?  I smell a creator.  


Man created god, not the other way around.  I have seen more proof that Santa and the Easter bunny exist.  God is a crutch for those who can’t accept that the short time we have here is all we get.  Your stating that crossovers showed you that a higher power exists shows just how absolutely ridiculous that concept is!  Why the heck isn’t there a “block” option here?

When the OP talks about the magic of capacitors and inductors he is just showing his ignorance.  Which makes me wonder does ignorance generate religion?

At the same time, at the level of bosons, leptons, the four fundamental forces and three dimensions plus time it is pretty amazing what evolved.  But it's even more amazing that we (our species) can comprehend what happened.

In the end, I just can’t get past the unrequited evil thing.  If there is a Creator, then why did he make it possible to create gas ovens to murder millions of people?  Or give an innocent small child a disease like spinal meningitis and suffer a horribly painful demise?  I could go on ad infinitum here.  Supposedly this is all part of a grand plan, and every awful bit is a necessary part of the Creator’s Grand Jigsaw Puzzle.  Sorry, this into a puzzle that I wish to play.

  Your capacitor works well?  Great.  Your stereo is sounding good?  Enjoy.  There is no need to postulate a divinity as being the cause of any of these things 


I was once a communist- which is a religion. In my youth it seemed like a fair deal- we all work together and share. The obvious problem is the nature of man- pride and greed prohibit this utopianism. As time passed it became obvious to me that intelligent design is supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Then came the obvious conflict- if good why evil?  My conclusion was pure love requires free will. Free will leads to choices for good and/or for evil. I am free to conform or free to rebel. Conform to what? to Good. Who or what is the ultimate Good? The Thrice Holy God. And the ultimate evil? He or that which stands in opposition to God- who is The Perfect Good and pure Love. It takes faith to believe in that which one cannot see- or completely comprehend. It takes much more faith to believe He does not exist and will not ultimately reconcile all things to Himself.