Policy changes at The Music Room TMR Audio

TMR has made a few changes to their policies which may interest folks.

Warranties for used gear is now 90 rather than 45 days.

Trial period is now 30 rather than 14 days.

There is now a restocking fee of 5%. Their rationale for this makes sense and seems reasonable. It would be nice if there could be exceptions to the restocking fee, such as cables and other products which don't need extensive checking for quality control. One result of this policy is that there is some more costly gear I would have tried but now am reluctant. I suppose that’s just a personal admission. 



I wasn't posting this as an overall referendum on whether TMR was worth doing business with. Posters addressed that question but it was not one I had in mind. I like TMR. I think they're a good company. 

@lalitk I believe it applies to all equipment, including used. So, imagine you're trying out a $5000 DAC and you don't like it. You're going to spend not only on shipping but also $250 for the month trial. That's what has me hesitating.

I figured that eventually they would charge a restocking fee and 5% is actually quite reasonable.  It will cut down on people who aren’t that serious about making the purchase but just want to try something out.   That takes away from their time and then they are out a piece of equipment while the other person is playing with it with really no intention to buy.  Believe it or not, there are a lot of people like that.    They probably got burned one too many times.  It’s a shame it has to come to this but it’s a sign of the times.   

@ozzy,   I had bought a Mac MC152 amp from Audio Classics for $2900.00.  I used it almost every day for a little over 2 years and a Mac MC302 amp caught my eye at TMR.  They offered me $2500.00 trade in on my amp and it cost me 2K more for the newer amp. They were asking $4500.00 for it.   I made out great, only losing $400.00 on my trade off the $4500.00 asking price of the MC302.  They sent me a prepaid UPS label on them and I sent my amp.  I received the new amp exactly 1 week later.  I am very pleased, one of the better deals I have made.  

If you're balking at a 5% restocking fee perhaps you should reevaluate your purchasing process. When 15%-30% is the norm what tmr charges should be perceived as inconsequential, not a decision influencer.

Those seem like very reasonable policies I've never used TMR but they seem like an excellent company. My only complaint is their ads and not being able to see an item description without going to their website.

The online retailers I order from have no restock, assuming I pay return shipping. Maybe I hit a honey hole….