Tube suggestion for Quicksilver Mid Mono Blocks

After switching from KT88's to E34's (with which I had a mishap), I installed GL KT77's and they are doing quite well.


I just posted 2 sets of KT88's for sale on Audiogon (A matched quad GL, and a matched JJ quad).

Im thinking of getting a set of GL KT66's for rolling.

Anyone have comments on the differences between the KT77's and the KT66's, and what happened to the 6L6? And maybe a comparison between the 6L6 and the KT66.









Nice to meet another QuickSilver fan. Yeah, I almost sold them and pulled it, just glad no one jumped on them.


I used to run 6L6's in my MiniMites, I just dont see them anymore. Im thinking of getting a quad of kt66's and 6L6's IF I find any online.

The JJ e34L's sounded nice but at least one of them blew within 3 days, puts a sour taste in the mouth. I think the JJ KT88's aren't half the tubes the GL Kt88's are, just my opinion, but to me its day and night.

I bought some Heresy IV's and they are too sensitive for the 88's.



One of my favorite EL34  is the EH with the green logo.  Not sure if they are still available 

Fortunately those are tough little amps and when a tube goes it usually only blows the mains fuse.  

I pulled the ad I had up on those due to the ridiculous low ball offers....  glad I did because there aren't many amps better than these at this price.  Even new at $2200 they are one of the best values out there. 

Supposedly Western Electric will be producing EL34 and 6l6 tubes someday.   Along with 12ax7...  Imagine ?  


I’ve owned that amp years ago and used EL34 tubes . Why would one blown tube put a sour taste in your mouth? BTW, I am a QS fanboy!


"Why would one blown tube put a sour taste in your mouth?"


A tube should more than three days. :-)


What QS are you using today?

I always thought I wanted some V-4's, now I want a Horn. :-)