None that I know of now. All my speakers are ProAc's, which I brought directly from the UK. About four years ago I purchased a rosewood pair of 140's from the UK. Can't really tell if it is truly 'Brazilian', but they are beautiful. For the last ten years I have been looking for a pair of vintage Klipsch Belles. All Klipsch rosewood units were built with Brazilian rosewood. The quest continues.
None that I know of now. All my speakers are ProAc's, which I brought directly from the UK. About four years ago I purchased a rosewood pair of 140's from the UK. Can't really tell if it is truly 'Brazilian', but they are beautiful. For the last ten years I have been looking for a pair of vintage Klipsch Belles. All Klipsch rosewood units were built with Brazilian rosewood. The quest continues.