What are your favorite speaker finishes?

What are some of your favorite finishes and / or speaker manufacturers finishes?
None that I know of now. All my speakers are ProAc's, which I brought directly from the UK. About four years ago I purchased a rosewood pair of 140's from the UK. Can't really tell if it is truly 'Brazilian', but they are beautiful. For the last ten years I have been looking for a pair of vintage Klipsch Belles. All Klipsch rosewood units were built with Brazilian rosewood. The quest continues.
Rosewood glossy or matt for me. Second choice glossy black. These colors seem to go with everything.
I love a good wood finish on a speaker, especially some of the more exotic ones. Though I"m not a fan of the exotic finishes that seem to traverse into "gaudy" - a personal call of course.

One of my favourite finishes is the ebony wood used on the latest Thiel speakers, and also some of their amber wood finishes.

Least favourite is cherrywood (next to plywood I guess). Although it can occasionally come in some more interesting grains, usually cherry is the definition of "bland" to my eyes.

I also dislike oak. Maybe growing up in the 70's conditioned me to perceive it as cheap and cheesy.
Big fan of any really figured woods, Birdseye maple is a favorite of mine. Also like Rosewood, Yew, Ebony.. I also like some of the super deep looking high gloss finishes.