We have a lake home on a golf course. I don’t fish or play golf. Neither pulled me in as a participant, or spectator. But, I do like touring around lake in my golf cart, and my evening escursions on UBL (the Ugliest Boat on the Lake).
But, quite early, I was taken in by the phemonon of sound. It didn’t matter whether it was the sound of a screaming Mac9 chainsaw engine mounted behind my head on a go cart, or a Top 40 hit, sound moved me in ways I didn’t quite understand.
Picking up a guitar a few years later, I learned to appreciate what it took to make music that sounded like ... music. It was difficult, complex, and challenging. It was at that point that I came to appreciate those who could pull it off artisically. Write it. Perform it. Conduct it. I was simply in awe with those who could make sound so complex, so beautiful, so riviting. A music appreciation course in college elevated my appreciation for classical music. Now I my "antenna" was far more sensitive, and could assign the correct music terms to what I was hearing and experiencing. Music was far more than "music" to me. It was the ability to fully resonate with a natural phenomena, and attach (almost) all of my brain to embracing what as happening in front of me. It was the ultimate embodiment of sound, arranged and delivered will all the resources genius could produce, record, and reproduce in my space. I can’t begin to express the level of gratitute I have for any and ALL parts of this process.
I’ve been taken by other pleasures life has to offer and enjoy them immensely. Especially the one’s I share with others. It’s nice to relegate the status of "expert" to someone else once in a while. Just "being there" is enough, sometimes.
So, no need feel "weird" about an obsession with music. And, audio. I do know professional musicans whose life and livelihood depend on their command of their instrument (an $80k cello with $30 bow comes to mind) who are completely oblivious to goal of reproducing quality music at home. The "music bug" hit them in a big way. The "audio bug’, not a all. Those of us who enjoy both have been given a gift. One we an enjoy for a lifetime.